Artificial grass is commonly utilised in play areas due to the durability and safety of synthetic grass fibres over natural grass. Designed to be free-draining, artificial turf can be used to create an all-weather play area, with performance and usage unhampered by weather in the way that natural grass can be – plus it doesn’t require sunlight! Artificial grass can be ideal to create long-lasting, safe play areas for use all year round, such as this small play area installation at Burhill Primary, Nursery and Children’s Centre.
What are the benefıts of synthetıc playgrounds over natural playgrounds?
Although some synthetic surfaces, like artificial grass, can look a lot like natural turf, they’re made for more than just their aesthetic qualities. Synthetic surfaces deliver safe, durable, all-weather facilities for recreational play and sport. The carefully constructed surface is designed for consistency, safety and longevity. The bonus is that they require less maintenance, and don’t rely on the weather to function, unlike natural turf play areas. Natural turf can only take so much in a given week, for example when used for sport, natural turf pitches can weather between 2-6 hours of adult use per week – weather and maintenance dependent. In a school with limited space, it’s easy to see why the conversion or part conversion of natural grass to a synthetic play area is warranted, with synthetic surfaces capable of handling over 10x the usage of natural grass. As well as usage, safety is a key priority in the construction of any playground. Surfaces are constructed with shock absorbency layers or materials with inherent shock absorbing properties, and the free-draining systems allow for consistent grip whatever the weather.
How long does ıt take to buıld a new playground?
Design and planning (if required) for a new facility can be the most time-consuming element of a project. Once any required planning permission is granted and construction is agreed, the construction time for a new playground is generally between 2-6 weeks, depending on the scope of the project.
How long wıll a playground last for?
Depending on the surface type chosen for your playground, you’d typically expect for a refurbishment to be needed after around 8-10 years, though with a thorough maintenance program and well delivered repairs, you may be able to extend the lifespan. Organic material such as playground chippings or bark nuggets will need replacing at more regular intervals, between 2-4 years.
What are the benefıts of synthetıc playgrounds over natural playgrounds?
Although some synthetic surfaces, like artificial grass, can look a lot like natural turf, they’re made for more than just their aesthetic qualities. Synthetic surfaces deliver safe, durable, all-weather facilities for recreational play and sport. The carefully constructed surface is designed for consistency, safety and longevity. The bonus is that they require less maintenance, and don’t rely on the weather to function, unlike natural turf play areas.
Natural turf can only take so much in a given week, for example when used for sport, natural turf pitches can weather between 2-6 hours of adult use per week – weather and maintenance dependent. In a school with limited space, it’s easy to see why the conversion or part conversion of natural grass to a synthetic play area is warranted, with synthetic surfaces capable of handling over 10x the usage of natural grass.
As well as usage, safety is a key priority in the construction of any playground. Surfaces are constructed with shock absorbency layers or materials with inherent shock absorbing properties, and the free-draining systems allow for consistent grip whatever the weather.
How long does ıt take to buıld a new playground?
Design and planning (if required) for a new facility can be the most time-consuming element of a project.
Once any required planning permission is granted and construction is agreed, the construction time for a new playground is generally between 2-6 weeks, depending on the scope of the project.
How long wıll a playground last for?
Depending on the surface type chosen for your playground, you’d typically expect for a refurbishment to be needed after around 8-10 years, though with a thorough maintenance program and well delivered repairs, you may be able to extend the lifespan.
Organic material such as playground chippings or bark nuggets will need replacing at more regular intervals, between 2-4 years.
Weather Resıstance
Impact Protectıon
Easy Installatıon
Weather Resıstance
Impact Protectıon
Easy Installatıon
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